Monday, April 4, 2011


Here are some pics of baby Noah...

Baby Noah

He's two weeks from being 5 months. His "adjusted" age would only be 3 and a half months. He loves baby einstein movies, and for me to read to him. His favorite book right now is "Oh The Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss....the doc told me to hold off on solids just yet, but he is so ready for solids its not fair or easy to see his little eyes practically beg me for some of what I'm eating. Poor I started giving him stage 1 solids for 4 months up. He loves carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, PEARS! My Lord he loves pears, I feed him only organic solids either by sprout or earth's best. Oh yeah, and happy bellies. He really loves sprout though.

Dear Noah,

You cannot begin to imagine how much I love you. You light up my life. Your smile can make any worry or upsetting thing just disappear. I love watching you devour your pears and sweet potatoes. I love your wild curly hair that seems to be growing like crazy and more on the top of your head than the sides. lol....oh cuddle bug. I cannot imagine my life without you now.

Momma loves you baby. And I pray that your mind and your heart would be protected from the lies of the enemy that might come against you. That the love of the Father and of His Son and His sweet Holy Spirit could envelope you each and every day of your life.



Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Little Man

Well the little dude is growing...he's three months already. Time has flown, let me tell you!

he's looking more and more like my baby brother if you ask me, but a lot of people say he's starting to look more like his daddy. I dunno, I just think he's gorgeous. 

He's started talking to his toys, he has this little giraffe from fadoozles that my mom got him which he loves. He loves looking at it and talking to it, smiling at it. It's amazing how much he likes that toy. 
he's looking at that toy in this picture. oh he's adorable, isn't he? On another note, my first nephew was born on the 21st of February. I was in the room when he was born. It was a very emotional experience for me. I wish my mom had been there.
David Josue Merlos

I'll be back later....

Sunday, January 2, 2011


So many things can happen in one year...its incredible. Last January I became a vegan, that lasted until April when I found out I was pregnant, then I found out my sister was pregnant again, I found out I was having a boy, my friends Lori and Adam got married in August, I became unemployed, my best friend started going to a new church, our church fell apart, my friends celebrated their one year wedding anniversary, Noah came six weeks early and four days after that my mom has an anuerysm rupture and she falls into a coma which she still hasn't come out of.

Theres always good things and bad things that happen in life. I know we sometimes wish only good things happened to us, but I thank God for the "bad" becuase I know He has a plan and a purpose and I trust Him, with me and my family. I know He loves me I know He loves my family and that everything that happens, good or bad, has to go through Him if He allows the "bad" its for a reason. It was really hard to "celebrate" thanksgiving, christmas and new years without my mom. Her birthday is coming up on the 5th of january, she'll be turning 48.

Noah is turning 7 weeks in 2 days. He'll be two months on the 16th of january. He weighs 8 lbs. and measure 20 and 1/4 inches. He's grown so much...I was surprised today to find that 3 month old clothes fit him. Who would think he was a preemie?

So as you can see I find myself in this bittersweet place. I'm sad beyond my wildest dreams because of what's happening with my mom, its not that I don't trust God, I know He has a plan but it hurts to see her in that condition, I almost wish it was me instead of her and at the same time I'm happy beyond my wildest dreams because I have been granted the gift of being a momma. Exhausting sleepless nights and all. It's completely worth it.