Friday, November 12, 2010

It might not be the prettiest thing you'll ever see...but its a new day :)

Listening to some Robbie Seay Band on this lovely fall day. Just finished reading Searching for God knows What by Donald Miller. That man is something special. He has a way of writing and explaining things that amazes me and my little heart. I love it. I've read Blue Like Jazz, Searching for God knows What and I'm going to start Through Painted Deserts next, need Father Fiction and A Million Miles in a Thousand Years...Also, I just found out that they're making Blue Like Jazz into a film that hopefully will be out summertime 2011.

I've got a pesky cough that won't go away, I'm just thanking Jesus that my throat doesn't hurt! I had to get some Robitussin DM last night cuz I was coughing so much and my abdomen felt like it was going to burst. Too much pressure, I'm excited about seeing my little boy but I'm not ready to see him just yet, lol...on another note, my belly has grown like in the past two days. I feel huge!!! Although I'm not, all my clothes still fits (like pre pregnancy except my jeans and slacks of course :))

I've had the most strangest dreams lately...vivid too. Some a little too scary for my taste. Last night, I dreamt I was going into labor, but that was probably because I was reading about it before going to sleep. But there have been other nights I'm like "whoa, where'd that come from?"

I also found a list of things to do with your baby from new born to infancy to him being a toddler, things to develop motor skills and learning that I found very interesting. We got the baby's car seat and stroller in the mail on Wednesday! I took the car seat out to look at it and I put my boyfriends stuffed animal he's had since he was a baby in it. He laughed then told me to calm Here's a picture...
That stuffed animal is 24 years old that is why it doesn't have eyes a nose or a mouth. It will be Noah's as well if he'll have it. :) I will look for some eyes before then though cuz it does look kinda creepy the way it is. lol...

The room will be getting a fresh coat of nice deep blue green paint this weekend or next! woohoo! Some minor repairs and some deep cleaning (yes I'm nesting) crib will be put in place and the room will be almost finished for baby.

I'd love to hear Robbie Seay Band live...I love live music. It just sounds so good, and the whole feeling of the music going through you is awesome!!! It ruins me for a couple days though for listening to my iPod or the radio, its just not the same...

here are a few belly pics to wrap up my blog for today...
Eight months pregnant :) I'm kinda disappointed that my belly
button isn't sticking out. Maybe in a bit more. It's definitely dropped since last month though.

till next time....

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