Tuesday, November 16, 2010

So baby Noah decides to come early...

born this morning 11/16/2010 at 6:45 am at 34 weeks weighing 4 lbs. 8 oz. via c-section :( completely not what I expected it to be like. I didn't expect to come into the hospital for a headache and not leave for two days and be induced then to have nothing happen and then to be told the baby needed to be removed quickly. They put me on a medicine called magnesium sulfate to help keep me from seizing becuase my blood pressures were high. And of course, anything thats running through my systemn is running through his too. Well after almost 48 hours of having this stuff running through me, it started to affect his heart rate. They then tried giving me an IV with a bit of glucose to help him wake up. The doctor violated me (for lack of a better word) by sticking a couple of fingers up my vagina through the cervix and touching the babies head. When that didn't work, he said "the baby needs to be removed right away, his heart beat isn't looking too good and I don't want anything to happen to him"

So, they moved me over to the OR, gave me the epidural, laid me out on the bed, proceeded to cut me open, took the baby out, started to stitch me back up let me see him and give him one kiss, moved me to another room where I was in recovery for about 45 minutes. I couldn't stop shaking, it was an involuntary action, I couldn't stop. I wasn't scared about what I was going to feel when I was obviously not feeling anything. One of the nurses told me it was completely normal. That it had to do with something with my hormones. So later on I slept, people came over around 4 in the afternoon and they took turns going with Carlos to the NICU to see our baby. Carlos took lots of pictures and videos with his phone which he brought back to share with me.

He is the most beautiful thing I've ever see. Of course I would say that, he's my son. But he's so alert and smart for being a preemie. When his passy starts to come out, he takes his little arm and pushes it back in so it won't fall out. He follows people and voices well with his gaze. He already pooped (that's a big deal for a preemie, trust me) and he eats like crazy. They're going to up his feeding times since he seems to want more and has been moved from level 3 in te NICU to level 2. Which means that instead of having to stay for 2 weeks in the hospital, he'll probably only stay for 1. YAY!!! This makes my heart smile so big!!!

Tomorrow morning they're going to have me try and walk around a bit and take me down there to see him. I'm going to hold him and talk to him. I can't wait. Carlos seems absolutely smitten over this little guy. He can't stop talking about him and saying how strong he is. He's a pretty even mix of the both of us from what I can tell so far. Of course, only time will tell. But he's a good looking baby if I don't say so myself. :) I love him...now to get him home soon and for me to get on to recovery and start taking care of my little man. I have to be very careful. My blood pressure is still a little high and they still have me on the magnesium sulfate because of it, but other than that, I don't feel too bad.

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