Sunday, November 7, 2010

My name is Elizabeth. I'm about to embark on the most adventurous journey of my life. Motherhood. Accompanying me will be my best friend and love of my life, and of course my two other best friends, YouTube and Google. Although the only one that will be really helping me is Jesus.

I'm 26 years of age, and I'm 33 weeks pregnant with a baby boy. His name is Noah. You all will meet him soon, as will I and his father. This is very exciting you see. And terrifying at the same time. More than just labor and delivery of another human being added to planet earth, we hold in our hands a life that has been entrusted to us. That's a bit daunting. But I remember that Jesus is our Lord and everything riling about in my soul seems to settle. :)

I love to love so being a mother in the sense of loving another life, seems to be easy to me. It's the exhaustion and the breast feeding and all the other things I have no experience whatsoever with that is in the gray area of the unknown. I guess I'll just have to take it one day at a time. Do what I can, create a routine for myself and not beat myself up about the things that I can't do, or didn't have time to do in a 24 hour period. Tomorrow is always a new day right?

I have all these self imposed expectations of being a mother that I feel I need to hold very loosely too. I have this neat little picture of what it will be like in my head and the intuition to know that it will probably be nothing like that. So I just pray to God and ask for wisdom on what to do and how to do it. And leave the rest to when it's actually happening.

I have an idea about a project that I want to start when Noah is born. I want to keep track of everyday. And if not everyday, every month of his life for as long as I can in pictures. The idea is to take a picture of his face and of him as a whole everyday. As long as I can keep him still enough to do so, then work my way from there and just capture moments and memories along the way. At the end of every year (since he will be born in December) put together picture books via or of every year. They grow up so fast. I don't have any children yet, but I always hear "you blink and they're gone." As I was watching Hook yesterday for probably the fifth time, I remember really paying attention to the parts where the mom is telling Robin Williams that he's missing out on his children growing up. She says its only a few years that they want to be with us, then we're the ones chasing them around trying to spend time with them and they're too busy for you. And its true. So I will enjoy having a newborn when he's a newborn, a infant when he's an infant, a toddler when he's a toddler etc day at a time. And hopefully when he's "too busy" I will have enjoyed every moment I possible could with him. And he'll remember.

This is life changing. And for the most part, psychologically I think I'm prepared. I'll learn everything else along the way. :)

So this is me....

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